
About the Battle Pirates Professor

I've been playing Battle Pirates for almost 3 over 4 years.  I coin just a little - I've never spent more than $15 in a raid, and I usually don't coin anything else. I've got access to most of the toys, even if I haven't built them all.

I started this blog in January 2013 to share information on how to play a smarter game of Battle Pirates.  I try to focus on ship building, and using the hulls, weapons, specials, and armor in the most efficient ways to maximize your fleet effectiveness.  Shipyard time is the most valuable resource in the game... don't waste it!

I will post about new items as they are released, using analysis to guide my opinions and advice.  In addition I will try to play "catch-up" and share other information I've learned about effective fleet building.

Read, share, and enjoy!

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